Over many years and many challenges, the Detroit Boat Club Crew continues to share the art and discipline of rowing by instilling its athleticism, teamwork, and passion in others.
Please support a campaign to help transform Friends of Detroit Rowing and create an indelible impact on our youth.
Share an Oar… Share the Shore
Due to the closure of the Belle Isle Boathouse, Friends of Detroit Rowing is building a new facility to accommodate the growing number of adult and youth participants in the sport.
Friends of Detroit Rowing is seeking $4.8 million in contributions to increase access to rowing in Metro Detroit.
This comprehensive campaign will raise $3.5 million in capital investments to build facilities for on-site training opportunities and year round storage of equipment.
It will also raise $1.3 million to help us continue our existing programs and offer rowing to a much wider and more inclusive audience.
Give A Gift To Support Our Mission
Fund Raising Contributors
We’d like to extend a sincere and heartfelt thank you to our fund contributors:
Cameron Alston |
Richard & Joan Angevine |
Allen Bauer |
Dick Bell |
Brian Benz |
Edward Benz |
Lynne Beykirch |
Michael Brady |
JP Callaghan |
Robert Ciupak |
The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan |
Paul D’Ambrosio |
Michael Dezsi |
Dennis Dilworth |
Julia Dinan |
Bryan Doelle |
Deirdre Donahue |
Jela & Benjamin Ellefson |
Patricia Erbecker |
John & Leola Fitteron |
Ken Fitzpatrick |
Mark Fragel |
Rita Fuerst Adams |
Mike Gentile |
William Giovan |
Henry Goitz |
Margaret Hartingh |
Marc & Linda Hawley |
Ruth Hecker |
Mark Herman |
The Higbie Family |
Paul Johnson |
John Keating |
Sharon Kelln |
Stephen Kelly |
Paul & Maureen Keubler |
Robert Kotz |
Jeff Kreger |
Stefanie Kulpe |
Robert LaCasse |
Lyle LaLong |
Thomas Lavigne |
Catherine Lebiedzik |
Tim Lenhard |
Roman Lesnau |
Sharon Maher |
Mark Maisonneuve |
Gerard Martin |
Thomas Mathews |
Stan & Debbie McQuade |
Janis Meyers |
Jim Montie |
Brian Muawad |
Mike Murray |
Marianne Nass |
James Nicholson |
Edward Oetting |
Tim O’Hara |
Jeanne Paolucci |
Melanie Parks-Linford |
Barbara & Robert Peberdy |
Jeff & Tammy Pfaendtner |
William Pitt |
Todd Platt |
Erika Pluhar |
Leon & Susan Polowczuk |
Karen Perczak |
Ralph C. Wilson, Jr Foundation |
Jennifer Reck |
Red Hook Coffee |
Rick Reed |
Janet Riggs Waterman |
Charles Rossiter |
Amy Roth |
Arlene Rozelle |
Sachse Construction |
S. Gary Spicer Sr Foundation |
Edward Schmidt |
Nabil Shurafa |
Josette Silver |
Paul & Diane Sonnecken |
Nicole Spain |
Mary Springer |
Alex Stanovoy |
Paul Stefanutti |
Benno Steinman |
Michael Thibault |
Mark Tirikian |
Pellayia Toutlant |
Phil Vogt |
Robert Wicks |
Claire Wilcox Perry |
The Edward Wilson Fund |
Dennis Wojdyla |
Cynthia and Chris Wolf |
Ronald Wurst |
Steve Ziemba |
Christine Zurawski |