Friends of Detroit Rowing Earns GuideStar’s Silver Seal of Transparency

Friends of Detroit Rowing is proud to have earned the Silver Seal award for transparency from GuideStar. the organization that collects, organizes, and presents information about IRS-registered nonprofit organizations in the United States.

As of April, 2021, only about 5% of of the more than 1.7 million nonprofits registered with the IRS earned a GuideStar seal.

Friends of Detroit Rowing is proud to have achieved this transparency certification from GuideStar, and pleased to be recognized as a responsible, transparent donation organization. Thank you!

What is a Seal of Transparency?

A Seal of Transparency appears on an organization’s Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar when the organization has publicly shared important information about its work. The Seals help nonprofits tell their complete story, which in turn gives funders and donors a meaningful way to understand an organization’s work.