Lesnau Defends Title at 47th Annual Heineken Roeivierkamp

Amsterdam, Netherlands – Despite raining, windy conditions on the Amstel river, the composite Cambridge Boat Club/Detroit Boat Club Crew rowed for the gold in the masters 8+ at the 47th Annual Heineken Roeivierkamp. Roman Lesnau represented the Detroit Boat Club Crew, racing with Roberto Blanda, Brad Whitehead, Phil Monckton, Steve Faber, Vetle Vinje, Mike Totta, and Lars Bjonness, and Seth Bauer who provided a winning course. The crew finished first in its category and 8th overall among 95 masters 8+’s

The Heineken Roeivierkamp, the Heineken Club Quadrathlon or simply “The Heineken”, is a yearly rowing regatta over four distances on the Amsterdam’s Amstel river. It is an official FISA event and traditionally marks the opening of the Dutch rowing season. Organised by the Amsterdam rowing club Nereus since 1973, 2019 marks the 47th edition of the regatta, proudly sponsored by the Heineken Brewery.

The Heineken features a unique course set on the river Amstel, situated close to Amsterdam’s historic center. Crews row four distances: 250 meters, 750 meters, 2500 meters and 5000 meters. The overall ranking is calculated by converting all times to 250 meter times, i.e. the 750 meter time is divided by three, the 2500 meter time by ten and the 5000 meter time by twenty. The sum of these forms the final score. Each day, crews row a short and a long distance; on Saturday (in order) the 2500 & 250 meter, on Sunday the 5000 meter followed by the 750 meter race.